Friday, October 8, 2010

Green tomatoes and rainy markets

We really appreciate everyone coming out for the past two Tuesday Downtown Markets. The past two weeks have not only been cold, but accompanied with heavy rains. Once wet and chilled, there is no getting warm during the market. This past week I wished I had remembered my long underwear, but I will never forget them from now on.
The only thing keeping a smile on my face was seeing everyone brave the rains to get their weekly produce-thank you thank you thank you. You make it all worth it.
This Tuesday will be our last Downtown Market for the year. I am so sad the season is over, especially since we still have beautiful greens and root crops taking in the sun on this beautiful afternoon. However, we will be at the Cazenovia Farmers Market until November, so you can still come visit us and pick up your food.
This week we will be bringing green tomatoes for my favorite fall snack: Fried Green Tomato Sandwiches. Serve it with a little Dijon mustard and crisp bacon.

We will be missing this Saturday Cazenovia Market (10/9). Our dear friends are getting married and we will be there to celebrate with them. It's a happy day!